Q- How can we order Green Kraft Products?
Ans- There are 2 types of products in our website. One with “Buy Now” or “Add to cart” option and other with “Enquire Now” option. You can place direct orders for “Buy now” products in our website as we do in any other website. For “Enquire now” products you can always call us and consult. Based on your requirement we will suggest you the products. Once satisfied, we will book your orders manually.
Q- What is the difference between “Buy now” and “Enquire Now” products?
Ans- For the products which have “Buy Now” option are compact machines and comparatively lighter in weight. Where as for heavier machines we have provided you with “Enquire Now” option, as these machines are capital intensive and transport charges are significantly higher, we would like our customers to be 100% sure before buying any of these machines. We offer detailed consultation based on customer’s requirement and budget so that our customers feel satisfied with their purchase. Also, it helps us hugely in minimizing the returns.
Q- What is the return Policy?
Ans- As we are in the era of internet and everything is being bought online with the convenience like door step delivery, pickup and no question asked returns, we understand customers’ need for all these facilities while they are making a purchase with us. Green Kraft also provides return facility in case of wrong product delivered to the customers. We advise our customers to make a video while opening the product and if the product is different than what the customer has ordered, share the video with us on the same day of receiving. We would try to resolve the issue asap.
Q- Why don’t we accept COD orders?
Ans- As much as we understand customer’s wish to place COD orders, we are really sorry to disappoint you as we don’t take COD orders as of now. By taking lessons from our past experiences, we are now avoiding any experiment order from deep corners of our country where the addresses are very difficult to locate for our logistics partners, because of this we generally end up getting returns of undelivered orders. It damages the product and the packaging, also the cost of transportation is always there whether the order is delivered or not. Hence we are aggressively encouraging prepaid orders and we are always here to consult you about your requirement so that you are sure about your purchase.
Q- In how many days will I receive my order?
Ans- It would take 3-5 days for delivery in North India & Delhi NCR, 6-8 days for South India, 12-15 Days for North East India.
Q- How will I be assured if the product is right for my requirement?
Ans- If you are not sure which machine will suit your requirement, we suggest you to please call us before placing an order. We would give you an in-depth consultation on what will work for your requirement and what will not. If required we would give you a visual tour of product so that you know, what are we talking about and you can be sure about your purchase.
Q- How can I claim the warranty?
Ans- If the customer faces any technical issue within the warranty period, he/she can always call us. We will arrange a video call from our technician to determine the issue. In most of the cases the technician will help you on video call to fix the issue. Also, he would let you know which spare part is broken so that you can order that particular part only and fit the same. Or you can always send the machine to your nearest service station or our service centre in Delhi for repairing and fixing.
Q- What is covered in warranty?
Ans- Warranty includes free service at service center, excludes motor / engine, spare parts & consumables.
Q- What is the duration of warranty?
Ans- 1 Year Warranty– For all petrol Driven Machines except Chainsaws
6 Months Warranty- All Electric & Battery Driven Machine + Chainsaws
No Warranty – All machines which are manual in nature