There are multiple options in the category of grass cutters. We have hand held Grass cutters and we have walk behind grass cutters which are also known as Lawn Mowers. Let’s understand the family of grass cutters and where can we find the best suitable grass cutter as per our need.

Brush Cutters-
- Petrol Brush Cutter- Highly efficient for the areas where electricity is scarce and grass cutting is a day to day activity which means the machine will run for more than 4 hours in a day. As the brush cutter is a hand held grass cutter, it is very convenient to use in corners and highly recommended for long length grass (> 5 inch).
- Electric Brush Cutters- works great for the places where electricity is in abundance specially the places equipped with solar energy. Electric brush cutters should not operate continuously for more than 20 minutes hence not recommended for high usage operations. Perform great on long length grass (> 5 inch).
Lawn Mowers-
- Petrol Lawn Mowers- Performs very well for heavy duty grass cutting jobs. Available in 5HP and more Engine power with 4 stroke engines only. Can continuously run for 2-3 hours. These lawn mowers come with 5-7 level of height adjustment feature in Rotary format. Can cut grass up-to 8″ of length but not recommended for long grass.
- Diesel Lawn Mowers- Diesel Lawn Mowers are a great choice for Heavy duty grass cutting jobs. Available in 5HP Engine power with 4 stroke engines only. Highly suitable for cricket pitch, golf course or other professional play grounds. Diesel Lawn mowers mostly come with roller blades and give neat finish to the lawns. Can cut grass up-to 6″ of length but not suitable to cut long grass.
- Electric Lawn Mowers- Electric Lawn mowers are very Easy to use lawn mowers. These are available in variety of powers and designs. Starts from 1000 watt and goes up to 3HP motor power. Perfect choice for for light to medium duty grass cutting. Heavy duty work can be taken from the lawn mowers which are equipped with 2HP and above motor power. Electric lawn mowers should not run continuously for hours. Each model will have a different running time based on the power of motor they are equipped with. These lawn mowers come with 5-7 level of height adjustment feature in Rotary format. Can cut grass up-to 8″ of length but not suitable for long grass.
Lawn Mower Types-
- Rotary Lawn Mower- Rotary lawn mowers come with Tiers and fan type of blades at the bottom. These lawn mowers also come with height adjustment feature which means the customer can keep a particular height of grass & can cut above a selected length. These lawn mowers are very easy to move around and comparatively lighter in weight. Give a neat finish to the lawn.
- Roller Lawn Mower- Roller lawn mowers come with cylindrical blades or roller blades. These mowers are generally recommended for cricket pitches or golf grounds. Roller mowers work very close to the ground and cut the grass as close as possible. If we compare, rotary lawn mowers grass cutting can be compared to Beard trimming and Roller lawn mower’s grass cutting can be compared to Clean Shave. 😊
Each type of grass cutter has its own usage. With a detailed understanding of each type of grass cutter we can exactly identify which grass cutter suits our requirement.
Visit the link to know more about lawn mowers-
Visit the link to know more about Brush Cutters-
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